
The shortcut to more sustainable and cost-efficient logistics
Cargo solutions

Made to be reused and reduce your CO2-footprint



Makes it easier to fit more products in each transport



No closed spaces that can crack and gather bacteria



Easily cleaned and can be reused over and over again


Customized for PMC

Made for PMC cargo carrier for aircraft cargo

Solving the impossible equation

People want a better, more climate-friendly world. They also shop online and expect their order to be delivered instantly. It’s an impossible equation. But there is a way to reduce logistics-related emissions, use space better and reduce operational costs.

More means less

As capacity is tight, especially when it comes to air freight, we make our solutions leaner and stackable. That makes it possible to fit more products in each transport, which has the added benefit of lowering the delivery footprint per product – and reducing the number of transports.

Made to be used

BEWI pallets and boxes are made of recycled materials and are designed to be reused over and over again. They are also 100% recyclable. It’s a sustainable solution that helps reduce CO2-emissions.

We have what you need

The products for faster, more reliable and sustainable logistics