Use – ReUse facility in Frøya
EPS compactor in connection to the fish industries and the BEWI plant on Frøya.BEWI Circular has installed an EPS compactor in connection to the fish industries and the BEWiSynbra plant on Frøya. The compactor will make it easier to recycle used fish boxes and other EPS material in the area.
On Friday, May 24, BEWI Circular’s new Use – ReUse facility had its official opening. The facility is located on Nesset, Fröya and will be able to compress approximately 1000 tones of EPS per year. And will have 1-2 employees working full time.
The fish industries at Frøya use a lot of EPS, especially fish boxes, which take up a lot of space when they are consumed. Since EPS consists of 98% of air, much is gained by compressing it. The Use – ReUse facility on the Nesset makes the EPS easier to transport and recycle.
– Our responsibility does not end when we deliver a product to one of our customers. We are a responsible producer, who wants to follow the product’s entire life cycle and put it into the loop again, says Martin Bekken.
There was about 30 people attending the event – Members from the Bekken family, suppliers, customers, employees, Vegard Heggem and many more. Together they listened to Doctor Camilla Louise Bjerkli, from Trøndelag Research and Development. Who talked about sustainability in plastic. She also mentioned that BEWI with the Use – ReUse initiative has come a long way in its work with circular economy and sustainability work.
Then it was time, Konrad Bekken with help from his mother Marianne Bekken, cut the band and made it official. Everyone was invited inside to have a look around. And maybe crush a fish box or two.