Hello Team Holland
Are you joining in?Why are you joining in?
– When I got the question if me and some colleagues would join Cycle4Europe I said yes immediately. Loza Foundation, that arranges the event together with BEWI, works for some of the most vulnerable people in the poorest countries of Europe. It’s great to help raise money for them and support their work.
Will you ride all the 2500 kilometers?
– We will join Cycle4Europe in Vienna and ride the four stages from Vienna to Berlin. All in all we’ll be riding 682 kilometers in four days. I have looked at the map and expect some hard riding. Austria and southern Germany are not exactly flat.
Have you been training hard?
– I cycle twice a week and ride about 200 kilometers a week. I hope it’s enough, but I know that it’ll be hard, I’m not a trained athlete. I rode with Team BEWiSynbra through Denmark last year. A top triathlete, Sebastian Norberg, was part of the team and he set a tough pace. I focused on his rear wheel and told myself “stay here for the next 10k”, when we reached that I repeated “stay here for the next 10k”, and so on.
Who is part of Team BEWI Holland?
– It’s Peter Meesters, who works with me at BEWI RAW in Etten-Leur, and Barrie van Reeden at BEWI Synprodo i Wijchen. Hopefully some more Dutch colleagues will join us in September.
You have also donated a bicycle to the children at Loza Foundation’s orphanages in Skopje, North Macedonia?
– We want to support a good cause. Loza Foundation gives these children shelter, food, clothes and a future. BEWI aims to donate 50 bicycles to the orphanages at the start of Cycle4Europe. We’re happy to be part of that.
Thank you, Jürgen.
Do you also want to donate a bike?
By donating 150 Euro, you’ll buy a bicycle for a child at one of the children’s homes in Skopje. The goal is to distribute 50 bicycles, at the start of Cykle4Europe on 5 September, to children and young people who have never had a bicycle before.
We want to fulfill dreams and contribute to a smile of young peoples faces for them to believe in themselves .
If you want to help and donate a bike, please contact martin.bekken@bewisynbra.com or info@lozafoundation.org.