We are committed to provide all shareholders and potential investors with relevant financial information in a consistent and transparent manner.Corporate Governance at BEWI
BEWI aims to maintain a high standard of corporate governance. Good corporate governance strengthens the confidence in the company and contributes to long-term value creation by regulating the division of roles and responsibilities between shareholders, the board of directors and executive management.
BEWI seeks to comply with the latest version of the Norwegian Code of Practice for Corporate Governance. The current Code was adopted on 14 October 2021 and is available at www.nues.no/english The company provides an annual statement on how the company adheres to the Code. The annual statement for Corporate Governance is included in the company’s annual reports.
Corporate governance at BEWI shall be based on the following main principles:

General Meetings
BEWI ASA held its annual general meeting on 4 June 2024
Relevant documents for the meeting, as well as documents releated to previous general meetings, can be downloaded here ->
The general meeting has the highest authority in BEWI ASA and shall be an effective forum for the shareholders and directors. All registered shareholders have the right to attend general meetings. Notice calling the meeting and supporting documents will be made available in this section, as well as through stock exchange notices to Oslo Børs’ news site Newsweb prior to the meetings.
Articles of Association of BEWI ASA
Last amended on 1 June 2023
Articles of Association, last amended on 1 June 2023
IR Policy
BEWI is committed to communicate with the financial market in a precise and consistent manner.
The investor relations activities will seek to ensure that market participants receive correct, clear, relevant and up-to-date information in a timely manner, taking into account the requirement for equal treatment of all participants in the securities market. BEWI has adopted a separate manual on disclosure of information, which sets forth the company’s disclosure obligations and procedures.